Thursday, May 17, 2018

3 Things I learned in the Instructor Course

During the last two weeks I have been  in an Instructor course where I have learned..

Three things I have learned in this class are...

1. We all have different learning types (Kolb's Learning Style Inventory)

2. Learning is fun!!
  Many times during the class we were allowed and encouraged to think outside the box

3. Classes are a great way to meet new people and network
   I have met so many cool individuals who have taught me some valuable lessons

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Fire that Inspired

First let me say Happy New Year. My goal as it usually is, is to inspire you to go after the new!! The new year is always a great way to commemorate a fresh start. A few months ago I suggested to a friend to read a book that had inspired me. Now I was not the first to mention this book but maybe one of the most convincing ones. For me this book had lit a fire under me that made me want to keep searching and going after my destiny. Sharing my feelings about the book was like lighting a match in the woods but I can't take the credit for the forest fire, for someone else had for mentioned it to me causing my curiosity to stir. The way they talked about it made it a must read. Now I'm sure by now you're wondering what this book is and I'll share momentarily but let me tell you this. It is easy to be influential. All you have to do is believe in yourself and the message you're proclaiming. 

Let me give you an example. I have a girl friend, Alex Merritt, who has her own business called Dessert&Discussion (look it up, it's amazing). It's all about engaging men and women in meaningful conversation one discussion at a time. She was ready to take her business to the next level and launch her dream to the world. Her plan was to get her team together, go to New Orleans during the Essence festival and talk to people on the streets about Dessert&Discussion.  Hundreds, no thousands of people attend this event. Daily we went out with our thought provoking shirts on to grab their attention, her business cards with treats and our questions to engage with the people. Her goal was to give an example of what Dessert&Discussion was all about and see how many people would be willing to share their email addresses and cities so we could come to their city. As apart of the team and a believer in Alex's dream engaging people on the street was right up my alley. Talking to people without hesitation is what I do! I've been turning strangers into friends since I was 3, just ask my mom!

When we recapped the progress the team shared that I was so convincing they would've given me their wallets had I asked for them. Those moments brought out the best version of me possible. The engaging, inspiring, captivating people person me! 
So are you ready to know which book I was talking about? In fact Alex introduced it to me. Have you figured it out? The Alchemist!! And if you've read it you know exactly what I'm talking about. That book inspired me in such a way that I cannot live my life without going after my dreams and that every step I take is not only a step of faith but a step of wonder and amazement. Things that I need to reach my goals present themselves to me the more I go after them. Obstacles turn into opportunities and strangers become benefactors. I can't help to talk about this flame that's been lit and share my fire with others. 

Our hopes and dreams as well as disappointments are the same way. We can light a fire under someone else or just strike their match enough to want to keep the flame lit. Keep your fire burning, share your dreams with another, share what inspired you and start the New Year in a way that will keep you going after your goals, dreams and desires for this Sweet 2016 and the years to come!

Your Destiny Awaits


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Girlfriends are always in the Plan

If there was a message I could take away from 2015 it would be this, Our plans may not always go according to THE plan. Sometimes you just have to learn to go with the flow. More than one in this year has the been my lesson but recently this is what my girlfriends and I did earlier this month. It had been a moment since we last got together so we planned to go to a nice restaurant and do a gift exchange. one girlfriend was having some difficulties with some prior engagements and wanted to reschedule but she suggested that the other two of us still went. The other was just home relaxing and comfortable waiting for the word so she could get up and ready. I was already to go but in the back of my mind thinking about my budget. No, this was a group effort, it was all or nothing. How could we still spend some time together, have girl talk and exchange gifts? We decided to just go to one of the ladie's houses. We didn’t have to be in a hurry or get all dressed up. We could stay in our sweats, snack on some cheese, crackers, veggies and wings, sip on some sweet red wine, decompress with just us girls and then have our smiles back on our faces because of the positive vibes and lovely energy that we experience when we all get together. Being in that setting was not what we had planned on doing but it was most needed. Over the past 10 months the company of these two ladies has been the completion of my inner circle. Unique in their own way, we have a bond like no other. They have helped me feel welcomed at and at home in Kentucky. They have been some of my biggest supporters and shoulders. We group chat about things that happen in our lives on a daily basis and we always make sure to leave one another feeling uplifted and loved. So I guess the message I want to leave you with is this, I am okay with change. With this years’ unexpected change I have encountered some of the most pleasant surprises. My year has transpired in an unimaginable way for me. I have no complaints for the events that have taken place this year and I look forward to many more joyful experiences. I know I will take these on with ease with the support of my two trusty girlfriends. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

ABCs of Gratitude

A few months ago I started the Gratitude Challenge...I don't think I finished but one of the assignments was to write your personal ABCs of gratitude. As Thanksgiving is later on this week I felt it was more than an appropriate time for me to share and publish what I am grateful for. I hope you will also take time to reflect on what you are grateful for, for I truly believe we have more to be grateful for than we do to complain about. You may not have everything you want but you have everything you need.

My ABCs of Gratitude, I am grateful for...

Air- to breathe
Bible- to read and learn and grow in God
Car- my gift to myself a few years back
Doggies- Pomeranians to be exact
Erica (my sister)
Dad (RIH)
Friendships- all of them
Garage- to keep my fancy car and motorcycle in House
Inspiration there's a myriad of things that keep me going 
Jonathan (my brother)
Kisha (for sharing this gratitude journal with me)
Love- it really does make the world go round
Mom- she's my best friend
Nephews- what a difference boys make when they live with you
Outdoors- I enjoy nature, especially the changing of the seasons
Papa- he truly is my favorite man in the whole wide world
Quiet time- this is when I can reflect 
Relaxation- I have peace
St Stephen's Church- a blessing to me here in Kentucky
Time- it's not promised 
Unity- I love togetherness 
Vision (physically, spiritually and mentally)
Water- (something we often take for granted)
Young people- (they are our future and I hope to mentor and inspire as many as possible)
Zoo - (I love animals)

Hope you enjoyed my list. Thanks for ready in my blog. I'm grateful for my followers. Share with your friends. Be blessed 


@jonitab #GratitudeChallenge 

It's ok to take your time.

What's taking you so long? This was my thought this morning when I pondered doing my next blog. It's been months!! Why have I taken so long to put some more thoughts on paper? Plenty has transpired since my last entry. I've been traveling for work, I've spent some time adventuring in Chattanooga and I've even enjoyed some more family time going to my nephews basketball games. Life has just been happening. And it has been good. I've also been spending a lot of time with my significant other. That's all the details you get at the moment. Usually when I sit and write I have a particular topic or theme that I'm focused on but not this time. Lately my thoughts have been focused towards my goals and plans for the upcoming year and finishing this year on a positive note. 

Many times whe we are consumed with our plans and moving full steam ahead we forget to rest. Taking a time out is unheard of. Lately for me my body has let me know otherwise. Taking a break is mandatory. Last week was the first time in I don't know how long that I came home and took a nap. I wasn't rushing to get out the house. I was tired so I listened to my body and got some rest. The same thing happened the other day. I'm out of town visiting with family and making p,and to see friends but after one afternoon outing I didn't feel like doing anything else so I put on pjs around 5pm and was sound asleep before 730pm. I woke up a few times but I didn't push myself to go hang out. I miss my friends and I value our time together but personal wellness comes first. 

So as we are in the last few weeks of this year I will continue to focus on what matters the most. Peace and wellness which come from spending time with God first and foremost. Devotional time and prayer, thanksgiving and reading the His word, this is where my guidance and Help come from. Spending time with myself, taking personal time for meditation, self reflection and awareness. Making sure I am at peace with myself. Every now and then you should check in with you to make sure you're ok. Spending time with my family, they are my strongest supporters and they keep me grounded. They are my reason for trying so hard to accomplish my goals and dreams. I'll spend as much time as possible with my significant other. He's extremely talented, smart, sweet and charming and he makes me happy, keeps me laughing and encouraged. These elements are my base and my foundation. With them I am grounded and in order to accomplish my future goals and dreams checking back in to home base with allow me to launch into 2016 in an amazing way. 

Dream BIG! Rest up. Enjoy family, friends and loved ones. Finish the year happy. Look forward to new beginnings. Be blessed


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Your Acquaintance Ability

Yesterday I experienced one of the most horrible feelings. For some it may not be a big deal but for me it was heart breaking. A treasured friendship ended. I was shocked, confused, torn and beyond hurt. It felt like a breakup. Like I could feel the fibers of our connection being ripped apart. I wish that feeling on no one. Now I have aquaintances that say they have the ability to cut people off and ignore situations. Yeah, I don't possess that trait. People are important to me. There's a love that I feel for the human race that keeps me careful of how I treat the next man. A few years back I dreamingly stated my desire of philanthropy. If only I were a millionaire 😊 yes I realize there are actions I can take to help humanity like feed the hungry or making donations to those less fortunate. We've been afforded such blessings; if we wake up each morning, having food, shelter, clothing, and freedom what can we possibly complain about? Count your blessings. The essentials are taken care of. Most of our wants and desires are at our fingertips as well. Besides our life, health and strength the commodity we should not take for granted is people, relationships, connect-ability, interactions. You are a precious irreplaceable gift. You possess skills and talents. You're a beautiful treasure chest, a one in a million. No one has experienced life like you have and no one care share those experiences but you. See with what I experienced losing this friend I had to shift my focus. I recognize my own strengths, talents and abilities. I know my own awesomeness and I believe sharing is caring. I like making friends but I can't force anyone to like me back. That lesson took years for me to learn but It's all good. Some blessings are not meant for everyone to enjoy. How someone feels about you has little to do with you but much to do with them, their own perception and reality. How they view the world through their lenses may be a little foggy. No worries, keep doing you and remain AWESOME 

Sunday, May 31, 2015


CREATE the moment you want to experience. Since I'll be away for awhile I PLAN to spend time with friends so today I'm having a brunch. As an extrovert this is where I get my energy from 😊. Positive people add to my happiness. 

I DREAM of spending my day out and about enjoying this beautiful weather. I did just that. Saturday mornings 😊 where I rarely sleep in, I took part in my usual ritual. Well at least I started to, a 3 mile run around the lake. It was more like 2 and a quarter with the first mile being a run and the rest being a walk. With a short break to sit and take in God's wonders and talk with Him for a few moments, truly the most important part of my day. My brunch was amazing and honestly just something we decided earlier this week. Good food always brings us together and I hadn't seen my girlfriends or neighbors as often as I normally would. Considering I was about to be gone for awhile enjoying my friends and time off to the max was my goal. After the brunch I wanted to go to the zoo but the rain helped me decide on going to the movies instead. I was blessed to be able to take my girlfriend's twin girls with me and have some time with them. I don't take those moments lightly. No matter if it's 20 minutes or 6 hours, whenever I'm around them I make it my GOAL to pour into them a life lesson. We enjoyed "Tomorrowland", an absolutely amazing movie.  We headed to SmashBurger before evening service at church. A first for the girls and they liked it. Church was great too. We, God's people have an important role to play for changing the world around  us. Don't just get frustrated and give up on your community. Be the light God created you to be. Well, back to my day, we finished the night with shakes from Sonic once their mom got off of work. 

Needless to say my mission of ENJOYABILITY and CREATIVITY was ACCOMPLISHED in that order. Great food, great friends, great company, an awesome Word and an overall AMAZING DAY!! I am truly blessed!! Now to make that happiness spread over the next 30 days as I be all I can be! I'm sure I'll be inspired to write about this venture. 

Thank you for reading. Be Inspired.
